Saturday, January 19, 2008

Brandon told me he wanted to hold Laedyn on his lap the other night, so I grabbed the camera and set them up on the couch. They were both so happy. Laedyn has eyes for no one else when Brandon is in the room, so she was so happy to be on his lap! Nick was behind me trying to get them to both look towards the camera and smile at the same time. It took a lot of shots to get just a few that were decent. These are the 3 I liked best.

We took a walk along the North Little Rock River Trail a couple weeks ago and I'm just now getting around to posting them. It was such a big batch I haven't had time to do it. It was an absolutely gorgeous day - as you can see we all gave up on our jackets it was so warm. Instead of sticking to the paved trail, we detoured off road to see what interesting things there were closer to the old quarry. One of the first places we explored was a little waterfall. Nick heard running water & went to check it out. Then we took turns going up the hill since someone had to stay behind with the stroller. Brandon was a little nervous about being on the slope so I told him to just sit there while I climbed closer to the water to take pictures.
Jennifer wanted her picture taken too...
The next stop along the way was an old drainage pipe Nick has ALWAYS wanted to get a closer look at it. He got his chance finally. Since all the underbrush is dormant this time of the year it was much more accessable than we've seen it in the past. See how happy he looks??? The rest of us stayed up top.

While we did our exploring, Laedyn snoozed.
When we got closer to the old quarry the landscape changed quite a bit becoming very rock strewn with a lot of pine trees. It's really pretty and reminded me a bit of Lake Tahoe - particularly the place we played disc golf on one of our ARID trips with Sandy and Mike way back when. We stopped for quite awhile to take pictures on a hillside.

Jennifer nabbed my camera and made me pose with Mark. It turned out nicely. Thanks JG!

Brandon was even cooperating with the posing. He's such a ham.
OK - so he wasn't completely cooperative, but I still really liked this shot.
After we got done with our "photo shoot" we got distracted by this weird green algae-ridden puddle. The color was so vibrant, we all spent some time checking it out. It was almost like it was percolating ... there were little bubbles all over the surface of it.
After we finished our off road exploring, we returned to the paved trail for awhile. There are these big concrete circles peiodically along the way. Brandon loves to run around them as fast as he can. It's even better when someone will play chase with him!The rest of our walk was pretty routine ... we continued until we figured it was going to get dark before we got back to the cars.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Now that Mark is around, you may see more pictures of me. He carries his camera all the time too. I make no promises about how often I'll show up, but there's a higher liklihood of it now! Mark took this picture after one of our walks right before Christmas out at Two Rivers Park. Brandon & I had gone down to the little dock near the parking lot to look at the water. Good capture Mark!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Goo (my Grandmother) bought Brandon this Sesame Street coloring set for Christmas. He's been having the best time coloring it - there are a whole bunch of different pictures in the set. He's even more interested in coloring it then in watching what's on TV ... & I think what's on TV is one of HIS show!

I know - my Christmas Tree is still up...I was sick with a terrible sinus infection 2 weekends ago & then this past weekend was catch up. So it'll be a weekday project now...I promise it'll be out on the curb in time for this weeks pickup!!!
Here are two pictures of Jennifer. The first one was taken way back in February 2006. The second was taken New Years Eve. You can see the difference her weight loss has made close up. She started out looking great - but now she's even more fabulous!!!