Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I know it's been awhile since I posted anything, but we've been a little under the weather around here. Brandon started it all with a cough and snotty nose. Then, I got bit by a fire ant and my foot had a itchy raised red patch that looked like a GIANT (coffee mug diameter) mosquito bite. Then I got jalepeno oil in my eye, and it swelled up & got red, crusty and sore. It was that way for a week until I went to the docotor & he gave me some drops. While he was at it he prescribed me some antibiotics in case it was pink eye - but I'd also developed a sore throat by then. After that, I progressed into a nasty deep cough and runny nose. YUCK! Throughout all this, Brandon, Laedyn & I have been running low grade fevers on & off for the past 5 days. Brandon went to see an ENT doctor last Friday. He's scheduled to have his tonsils out this Friday. It's kind of scary from the parental perspective. I feel bad because I know what kind of pain is involved and it IS a surgery. He'll be put to sleep. It's just a little scary - what if something were to go wrong??? I really don't dare think too much about that, but it keeps creeping back into my mind.

If you're wondering about Nick in all this mess ... he's fine. No symptoms. But - he's been taking Cold MD - one of those immune booster vitamin pills. He doesn't like it - says it makes him feel crooked or lopsided, but he's not sick is he?!?!

So - that's the story behind the lack of posting. I HAVE been taking some pictures though. Here are a couple from last week.

Here's Laedyn smiling - these are tough to catch on the camera. She gets distracted by the camera & just gets serious, so it's a treat to have this one! Nick's all dressed up because he gave a talk down at The Peabody.
Brandon's best friend around here, Romeo just crawls right up & makes himself at home. Brandon usually likes it unless Romeo is butting in on Brandon's attempts to get attention from Mommy & Daddy...I'll post more tomorrow that I took over the weekend.

1 comment:

Imelda said...

I love the picture of Laedyn smiling. She is so cute!