Saturday, November 17, 2007

Brandon was invited to a birthday party at River City Gymnastics. He liked the thought of the party but wasn't too sure he wanted to go to the gym. He'd gotten tired of Little Gym and thought this was the same thing. After about five minutes though, he was having a great time. In fact, when playtime was over he cried because he wanted to jump and play some more. The kids had to line up to move from the first boucy activity to the next - an obstacle course.
I have no idea what Brandon is doing to his pants here. It looked pretty funny though.
Here they are going around the obstacle course. No one got tired of doing it even though they all been around the circle about 30 times.

They even had a huge bounce house set up in the middle of the obstacle course.

This was a really long trampoline-like thing. Some of the kids ran down, some of them jumped. Brandon was a jumper every time. When they reached the end, they landed on a very soft squishy mat and then they could jump into a foam pit.
Brandon thought it was funny to land on his belly at the end of the trampoline.He never would just jump into the foam pit. He always sat on the edge & eased himself into it. Once in the pit, he like it. He's cautious, like his Daddy.When the kids were in the foam pit, it looked like they were trying to swim out. Sometimes the gymnastics ladies had to help them out. Nick sat and watched the kids running/bouncing down the trampline and then flopping into the pit. He wanted to jump in too. It DID look like a lot of fun.
At the third activity area, they had a trampoline, a foam pit and a tall platform with a couple of slides that dumped the kids into the pit. There were 3 ways to get to the top of the slides - a rock wall, a ladder and a knotted rope. Brandon got about half way up the rockwall before he wanted to get down & climb the ladder instead.
He climbed this knotted rope like a pro - but it was hard work. His favorite method to get to the top was up the ladder. It looked like the most difficult way to me, because it was pretty much straight up & down. Nick wound up spotting a bunch of kids besides Brandon who wanted to go up the ladder.
I thought this slide looked pretty steep (the drop off was nothing to sneeze at), but Brandon didn't seem to share my concern. None of the kids did. They all had a blast sliding off into the foam pit. I think Brandon must have climbed back to the top 8-10 times.
After the playtime was done, the birthday boy (Christopher) got to sit up on a tall platform where everyone could watch him open his gifts. The coordinator called each guest up one at a time & they got to sit up there with Christopher & watch him open the gift they brought for him. The coordinator also kept track of who gave the birthday boy what gift. They did this at Little Gym too - it was SO nice to have someone deal with it all so I could take pictures & talk to the other parents.
Here's Brandon watching Christopher open his gift. Brandon picked it out all by himself. It was a Hot Wheels thing with a couple of cars. The cars could go down ramps on either side and crash into each other. Brandon is all about his Hot Wheels and matchbox cars these days.

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