Thursday, January 10, 2008


We're all going to lose some weight - Mom, Dad, Jennifer and I. Here are pictures of all of us from this past week. There's an extra one of Jennifer from before she started her diet back in October to give you an idea of how far she's come in such a short time. I'll post monthly updates so you can see how we're all progressing and to give those of us who need it a little more accountability.


Jennifer - 96 pounds - 1000 calories per day and lots of walking
Valerie - 115 pounds - low carb diet & lots of walking
Mom - 49 pounds - low calorie, low fat diet with biking and possibly water aerobics.
Dad - 85 pounds - low calorie, low fat diet with walking, biking, free weights, rowing machine and traditional calesthenics

Here's a picture Jennifer sent me that was taken in April 2007. She started her diet in October 2007, and has been making great progress. She's already lost 54 pounds. Way to go girl! I hope we can all live up to her example... she's been an inspiration to the rest of us.


Anonymous said...

Val, you were supposed to put my "after" which is me now. You gotta show the progress, I have been working hard. When she posts it, for those who know the Peabody, it's me working on New Year's Eve. Ahhhh...the joys of working in the Hotel business!!

Anonymous said...

I just want say Jen you are doing a wonderful job in your weight loss and looking great. I wish the best of luck to the rest of you in acheiveing your goals.

Amy said...

Oh wow! You don't set little goals, do you?! I can't even lose 10 pounds! Good luck! I won't invite you out for beer and ice cream, I suppose, in an effort to be supportive. :)

Anonymous said...

I've lost another 5 for a total of 59 lost...and the jeans I bought that fit me are now getting too big!