Friday, July 18, 2008

For those of you who haven't heard, Jema died on the 4th of July weekend. She had a rapid decline - similar to what happened to Jewel over a year ago. We miss both of them very much. They were our friends & companions for a long long time. Jewel came to us in the fall of 1993, and Jema joined us about a year later. Jema actually followed Nick home for the corner market and stuck around til we took her in.
Rest in Peace sweet kitties - Jema (aka Hotlips Hoola Pooh or just Pooh) and Jewel (aka Jewella Deville)
They moved with us from Cleveland to Boston to Little Rock. The picture above was taken on our move from Boston to Little Rock when we stopped in Ashtabula for a lay over. They sure did like that big window door! Below is from our days in Boston. They loved cuddling up together on the futon.
Jema was always in the middle of everything hoping for some lovin'
She was rarely out of petting range.
Such a sweet girl - she loved everyone.
It doesn't look like Jema was too fond of Brandon's bird costume. Honestly he wasn't either once we had the feather covered body of the costume on him...
Jewel was always up for a good nap on my lap. She was the princess and Jema had to find a less prime sleeping spot. Poor Romeo - no place left for him!
Look at them vying for lap space. Crazy cats!
Looking VERY content! But she didn't mind sharing with our newest family member.
Mom was doing a photoshoot of Nick & Brandon. Jema had to inject herself into it usual.
Not a care in the world
If she slept here she always had a good view of us no matter were we were.
Romeo started training Laedyn on the proper way to treat a cat very early on. Jema wasn't so insistent at that point, but she was once Laedyn started reaching for her. Nothing like a box to make for a happy cat
The approach...
The disdainful settling in
The true and loving Jema!
Not another cat in sight, but Jema was no dummy. Stay close & you're sure to get petted eventually. "Quit taking my picture & pet me!" Jema was always very vocal in what she wanted. She was a huge fan of the black & white cookie or just plain iced sugar cookies. She'd cry & beg for some and drool on us in her excitement. She also liked bread and would eat through bread bags to get some. Our breadbox always had to be barricaded against her - she could open it if there wasn't something to hold the door tightly shut! Must have been from her dumpster diving Dairy Mart days... These two have been SO good with Brandon ( & Laedyn too). When Jema started feeling poorly, she would curl up with Brandon on the couch and purr happily.
I guess I'm not the only good body to nap upon! Such a pretty cat

Funny how cats don't mind if they don't fit in their chosen spot - they stick to their decision and make the best of it. I don't think this looks terribly comfortable, but she slept like this anyway. Larry the Lobster from my days at the Peabody - he went home for the evening with someone from the Delphi training session. I don't remeber why I had him, but Jema took a shine to him. In our Boston apartment - I never could figure out how she got in there! Silly cat.
When she did this we called her undercover kitty. Jewel & Jema loved getting into our luggage. I guess they didn't want us to go. This must have been while I was pregnant with Brandon - I see the body pillow on the bed.
Jewel never missed a chance to plop herself on our luggage. See the crazy wallpaper from our bedroom in Boston?
Jewel loved sleeping on the beer box. This was one of her favorite spots - go figure!
The cats watching Brandon when he was brand new. I had nothing to do with them being on those stools. I remember Jewel climbing up on them. She couldn't jump that high so she would jump, cling with her claws - her body swingling wildly and drag herself up with sheer strength and determination. It was pretty funny to watch.
Romeo & Jewel - they were always cuddling up together. We got Romeo from the pound and he was so lonely, we had to get Jewel to keep him company. They were best buddies.
They even shared window space regularly.
Jewel was so funny. Any kind of bag that got put down within her reach she'd curl up on - no matter how uncomfortable it looked.
Family nap....

1 comment:

Rick Elaine said...

Makes tears come to my eyes, I miss them so! Sniff! Love you girls!