Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Soccer started again last night, but we've moved to a new group. The group we did last season met in Burns Park. This group meets down across from Alltel (in the Riverdale area). It's much more convenient for us. Hopefully it will be far less muddy than Burns Park too! Brandon had a great time. This group is far more casual than his previous group. There's only 5 kids per "team" so it's alot more one on one. His previous group had about 30 kids in it.
That's his coach - Dave. Coach Dave says Brandon has great protential. Brandon guided the ball around the cones like a pro. He was very pleased with himself.
There are 3 girls and 1 other boy on Brandon's "team." Brandon sat on his ball to wait on his turn to run the ball around the cones. These girls lined up right behind him and sat on their balls too. They were practically on top of Brandon - it was cute.Jennifer came along to watch. It was her last day of vacation. I don't think she'll be able to come to our Tuesday night practices from now on since we meet at 4:30... What a crazy time! I have to leave to get Brandon at 3:30 in order to be on time. We'll also have skills training on Wednesdays at 6 and games on Saturday mornings. Whew. And Nick's talking about getting Brandon in T-ball too!
I brought drinks for all of us. Laedyn wanted Daddy's drink or Brandon's drink or my drink - never her own.


Imelda said...

Sorry if I'm a little behind on this...but man...Laedyn is walking now! WOW, they grow fast don't they? Well, mine not so much. Lucas still has no teeth and he's been teething like forever...and he's not crawling neither. But we're working on that one!
Hope you guys have a great Labor day weekend.

Rick Elaine said...

Brandon doesn't seem to be wearing that huge soccer shirt he had last year. Glad he's enjoying it. Laeden looks bigger again. Your hair was just like hers!