Friday, October 03, 2008

We recently took the kids to Two Rivers park for a bit of exercise. Brandon rode his bike and I walked with him. He kept me at a brisk pace for the most part! Nick ran with Laedyn in the jogging stroller.
The Pebbles hairstyle didn't last through the outing. It never does. I'm lucky if she leaves it in for 5 minutes!Brandon showing of his big boy bike.
Brandon & I stopped to take a quick break at the turn around point - there's a really nice view of the river and I-430 bridge. Brandon sat for about 2 seconds (long enought for me to take the previous shot) and then ran back and forth on the grass.
Eventually we met back up with Nick & Laedyn. Laedyn had no interest in a family picture - she wanted to get down and walk after her long ride in the stroller..
Unfortunately she refused to walk in the correct direction regardless of how much Nick tried to get her to turn around. Finally he had to pick her up and carry her back our way - much fuss (interpret as sreaming) ensued...
There was a tree down across the path, but we managed just fine - even with the stroller.

1 comment:

Rick Elaine said...

enjoyed your pictures - laedyn seems to know what she wants to do