Tuesday, August 14, 2007

We took Brandon down to the river yesterday. The river runs right behind my grandmother, Goo's, house. As kids, we used to spend alot of time playing down there. Brandon had a blast. Mom said she could hear him laughing and squealing all the way up at the house. My brother, Mark's, dogs came along too - Taz is the brown shepherd/husky and Pepper is the black & white mutt. While we're in Ohio, we're staying in the airstream which Dad parked right outside of Goo's house.

Both of my brothers live at the house next door - it's the white one with the decks hanging over the river cliff. The brown one with all the windows is Goo's house. This picture shows her sunporch which overlooks the river.

Along the way we saw some interesting river flowers, mating dragonflies, the root system of a tree along the cliff, a stick that looked like a huge bug and a big old crayfish.

Laedyn stayed up at the house with my Mom and Goo.

1 comment:

Amy said...

It's beautiful up there!