Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Well - one month has gone by & we've all weighed in for the first update of our weight loss journey. We've each lost a little. As a matter of fact, Mark told me he's lost 6 pounds since we started last month & he's not even trying to. I guess it's all the walking! Apparently our challenge has inspired others too- our friend Bob e-mailed me to say he wants to lose weight too. Anyone who wants to join is welcome - all you need to do is email me your goal, your planned method of weight loss and a picture. Then each month I need an updated picture & your total loss that month. The more the merrier!
Here's the photographic update followed by the numbers. Between the 5 of us (I'm including Mark), we lost a total of 39 pounds! Imagine that as 1 lb boxes of butter - that's A LOT of butter! WAY TO GO EVERYONE!!!!!
Do any of us look any different than we did last month?

remember - JG has a total loss from much more than just one month since she started her program months & months ago...
----------starting goal / loss this month / total loss / remains to be lost
Jennifer --149 lbs ---------11 lbs --------------64 lbs ----------85 lbs
Valerie ---115 lbs ---------11 lbs --------------11 lbs ----------104 lbs
Mom -----49 lbs ----------4 lbs ---------------4 lbs -----------45 lbs
Dad ------85 lbs ----------7 lbs ----------------7 lbs -----------78 lbs
Mark-----none -----------6 lbs ----------------6 lbs -----------none


Anonymous said...

Wow to go Valerie and everyone else on a great start!!! I need to be doing the same thing but sadly my will power is lacking. I'm hoping to get motivated soon!!

Best to luck on the coming months!

Rick Elaine said...

I'm working on it :-) Mom