Monday, March 24, 2008

Saturday was a busy day. Brandon had soccer in the morning, then we did a Walmart run. Mark joined us for a quick picnic at Pinnacle Mountain. After that Brandon & I went to see a children's theater play at the Arkansas Arts Center - "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" Two of his daycare freinds (& their Mom's) took us for his birthday! While Brandon & I attended the play, Nick took a long run with Laedyn. That evening we joined up with the old family dinner crowd.


Beacuse of all the heavy rain, Brandon's usual soccer field was closed, so the "game" was relocated to Pinnacle Mountain. He fights having to put on the uniform because it's huge on him, but it's the same for all the kids. I think he looks cute. Once he's out there playing, he doesn't even notice because he's having so much fun! Mark, Nick & I took turns practicing with him after the game. He's not being aggressive enough when he's supposed to try getting the ball away from the other kids.
Laedyn watched the proceedings from her comfy stroller.

We decided to picnic at a boat launch area that has a new pavilion, some picnic tables, anda lovely fishing pier We were really surprised to find everything close to the waters edge under water! In this picture, the trees are usually at the edge of the parking lot, and there's additional land behind that that's not normally under water.
The boat ramp is under the water just beyond that sign. Brandon was stylin' in Nick's sunglassesLaedyn took a nice nap in the sunshine while the rest of us ate. Brandon had fun throwing branches & sticks back into the river. There was a huge line of stuff left at the high water mark about 8 feet behind Brandon.
A couple guys with kayaks drove up and launched from the former boat ramp.
Nick joined Brandon while he was throwing river debris back into the river.

Since Amy & Imelda both have blogs too & they were both shooting tons of pictures at the family dinner gathering, I decided to just let them post. You can see pictures of the gethering on both their blogs: Amy, Eric & Aubrey Cate Cowan and Titus, Imelda & Lucas Campbell It was really nice to see everyone again, and Carol's food was fabulous as usual!

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