Wednesday, March 19, 2008

He got a few fancy packages from a variety of sources. I didn't manage to be-ribbon all his gifts, so the picture doesn't include the non-decorated ones...He got a couple sets of fancy sidewalk chalk/paint. I thought the "paint" was just powdered chalk - NO - it's the consistency of finger paints. What a mess! And...contrary to the packaging, it DOES NOT wash out of clothes...even when you use spray & wash on the spots.
I ordered him this cool marble building set. I think Nick had more fun trying to build a marble roller coaster ramp then anyone! Brandon wanted Nick to start the ramp on top of the TV...
Audrey & Art sent some neat touch & feel books in which all the pictures are Art - you know - museum art pieces. In the book, key elements of the art works have been supplemented with texture. Example - the Mona Lisa has hair to touch...
Audrey also sent a Spiderman backpack. Brandon had been begging for one for months. He's still showing it to everyone he meets. He's so proud of it - and tells everyone Grandma Audrey gave it to him for his birthday.
Jennifer gave him a Hot Wheels Monster Truck arena. The monster trucks are catapulted across the arena (which rotates) - they're supposed to collide in midair. There are also a bunch of barrels that the trucks can crash into. This was the first toy out of the box the following morning...
Meteor is the star of Meteor & the Mighty Monster Trucks TV show (you can check out the link in Brandon's favorite shows list to the right). Meteor's wheels were strawberry cake, his body was chocolate and his dome was funfetti (white cake with colorful candy specks).

Brandon's kid party was at Pump it Up. His favorite things are this basketball court & the big circular jumper. He was OK with the obstacle course & flat out refused to try the giant slide. The first time he did that at Kaleb's party, he & Townley bumped heads - HARD. He had a big bruised bump on his forehead for a week... Kaleb & Joylyn are two of Brandon's preschool classmates. Kaleb has a baby brother, Kade, who is a month younger than Laedyn. They're in the same "class" at Kidco.
He does love to bounce!
I think the grown ups have as much fun as the kids. This was the first time I actually went into the inflatables to play. It WAS a lot of fun!
Nice group shot. (left to right) Lorielle & her son Justice, Brandon being goofy, Kim & her daughter Townley, my Dad, and Joylyn bouncing in the background.
Mom & dad kept tabs on Laedyn the whole time. She had fun watching everyone race around. Lorielle visited with Mom & Dad and played a bit with Laedyn too. Nick got to relax & chat with Mark, Rich & Jason. It was a nice laid back party for us!
Jason & Kade. This is such a sweet picture...
Rich, Nick, Mark & Laedyn
Brandon in the brithday kid chair. This is where the brithday kid gets to blow out his candles and open all his presents. He was so excited to be the one in the chair this time... Happy Birthday to Brandon....
Present time!


Anonymous said...

Kaleb had such a blast at the party! I love the picture of Jason and Kade!!

Anonymous said...

It was a really great party.


Imelda said...

Happy 4th Birthday Brandon. Love the birthday cake. You're SO creative, Val...Maybe I will need some ideas from you for Lucas' future birthday cake.

Rick Elaine said...

Party was fun, and Brandon and all the kids really had a ball! Cake tasted good, too. :-)