Monday, May 19, 2008

Remember when I mentioned Nick ran the Ouachita Trail 50K? Well, here are some pictures from the finish line...
Brandon amused himself by throwing sticks into a puddle while waiting for Daddy to run into the finish. He wore a headband and running shirt so he could be like Nick. Jennifer and Mark came down to support the runners too.
Here they come down the final stretch.
Brandon ran over the finish line with Nick & Ted. When he went over it before them, he shouted "I win!!! I win!!!" Everyone thought he was really cute of course.
Nick & Ted got handmade ceramic medals for their finish. Brandon got to throw leaves in the air to celebrate his finish.
This is Ted, Nick's long time running partner, and Sandra,Ted's wife. She runs too, but not this race. Nick, Ted and Sandra are all running in the South Bend, Indiana marathon on May 31. The kids and I will tag along as the cheering section.
Brandon threw LOTS of leaves...
We wanted to picture of Nick & Brandon together, but Brandon refused to cooperate. In his defense, Nick WAS pretty sweaty & dirty after all that effort. Look at the mud on his shoes!


Rick Elaine said...

Another great run, Nick. Congrats. Throwing leaves and little boys go together. Wait until Laedyn starts, and Brandon doesn't want her to... :-)

Rick Elaine said...

let's try this again - I've writte n 3 comments in the last several days but none appear on the blog - mamo is going to tutor me now

Anonymous said...

I still look fat! Have I really lost 88 pounds? I wonder sometimes. Great Job Nick! What an accomplishment!
