Tuesday, August 28, 2007

OK - this is the last of my long overdue posts from the trip home. I got so sucked into the Harry Potter books, I really didn't want to do anything else but read them. I finished the final one at 4:30 this morning. So tonight I'm playing catch-up here.

This is Rickey playing catch (or maybe we should call it fielding grounders....) with Brandon. Later while they were still playing, Brandon was fooling around & threw the ball which hit Rickey...remember the timeout picture?!?
Here's Sandy again with both her girls and her husband John.
Dad hooked the tractor up to a little trailer & pulled everyone around the farm. We called it a "tarp ride" because there was no hay, just a blue camping tarp in the bottom to sit on. The kids didn't seem to mind! Personally I wouldn't have minded some cushioning...
Mike, who's just a big kid himself, attracted the rough play attention of Brandon & Dylan. The boys loved it & I think Mike did too.
Look at the death grip Brandon has on Mike as Nick's trying to drag him off...
As I was running all the pictures as a slideshow, Brandon came over to watch. He said he liked it in Ohio & wanted to go back. He didn't even mind the thought of having to do that long car trip again. I guess he'll get his wish, but not til Christmas...


The Orland Family said...

These are nice pics and nice blogging. You've really inspired me to start mine and it's been in draft mode for a week now! Clara still talks of the "hay" ride. Thanks for sharing!

Rick Elaine said...

I agree...it needed hay!!! Next time.
Great picture of Aunt Bug holding Laedyn.
Nick did a GREAT job on the dogs and burgers! Thanks.